Masons are men of good character who have joined together to improve themselves. This is accomplished through the principles, teachings, and ceremonies of the Fraternity. Members endeavor to extend Masonic lessons into their daily lives in order to become positive influences in their homes, communities, nation, and throughout the world. They base their efforts on morality, justice, charity, truth, and the laws of God. Thus membership in the Masonic Fraternity becomes a way of life 24/7 which goes far beyond that of membership in civic clubs or community associations. The Fraternity also offers the opportunity to form deep and lasting friendships with other men pursuing the same goals. Thus by bringing together men from different backgrounds engaged in a similar pursuit, Freemasonry provides an environment of trust, growth, and personal fulfillment – the purpose of Masonic brotherhood.
Membership in Mosaic Lodge No. 125, A.F. and A.M. is open to all men of good moral character over the age of eighteen who possess a belief in a Supreme Being. The Lodge has a diverse membership composed of men of all ages and from a wide variety of professional, educational, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
It is important to note that no Mason can ask a man to join the Masonic Fraternity. A man desiring to become a Mason must, of his own free will and accord, petition a lodge for membership. Men who meet the above requirements and who are interested in either learning more about Freemasonry or becoming a Mason in Mosaic Lodge should be encouraged to Contact the Lodge.
Every man desiring to become a Mason in Mosaic Lodge must complete a petition for the degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry. The petition is read at a monthly meeting of the Lodge, and a committee is appointed to visit with the petitioner and his family. At the next monthly meeting of the Lodge, the petition is read again, and the members present vote on whether to accept or reject the petition. An initiatory fee of $150 is required of each petitioner. Half of this fee may be waived if the petitioner is younger than forty years of age.
A man whose petition has been accepted by the Lodge is contacted for the purpose of arranging a mutually acceptable time in order to receive the first degree of Ancient Craft Masonry, the Entered Apprentice Degree. A mentor is assigned to assist the new brother as he progresses through the degrees and as he is assimilated into the life and affairs of the Lodge. The mentor will work with the brother in completing the Masonic Enlightenment Course for each of the three degrees. Before the brother can receive the Fellow Craft and Master Mason Degrees, he must complete the Masonic Enlightenment Course for the preceding degree. Upon completion of the Masonic Enlightenment Course for the Master Mason Degree, the brother is accorded the full rights and privileges as a member of Mosaic Lodge.